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Children Street Art: Natural... Supernatural!

An intriguing method for social management is community art. It forces residents of the community to leave their homes and embrace their individuality in order to spend time outside, where they can share deep experiences, observe societal trends, and shape one another's thoughts to help them better comprehend and situate themselves in society.

Spiritual wellbeing is all about our "spirit," the part of ourselves that gives us our zest for life, playfulness, and passion.


In order to retain our ties to one another, the world around us, and whatever universal energy may exist, this project encouraged people to connect their own spirits with the spirits of the places they live in. Being "in the flow" of what is happening to us eliminates the need for effort and struggle.

This will make it possible for individuals and groups to develop sensitive and spiritual connections with their environment in order to experience happiness, mindfulness, and peace. People will experience both physical and mental benefits from skillfully managing an environment that creates a pleasurable and appealing atmosphere.This will make it possible for individuals and groups to develop sensitive and spiritual connections with their environment in order to experience happiness, mindfulness, and peace. People will experience both physical and mental benefits from skillfully managing an environment that creates a pleasurable and appealing atmosphere.


© 2007 by E-Lerng Artists Collective

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